Wednesday, December 5, 2012


"Today's advertisers don't have to worry about campaigns running amok like this elephant in 1932 - but they do need to chase digital engagement" ("Going digital: the future of advertising" by Andy Hart, BBC News Business April 19th, 2012). Today, thanks to the technological development, digital users or customers can experience new products via many digital channels such as internet or other web-browsers on computer or smartphones. And, online advertising is one of trend for digital advertisers or planners. As in the article "'Like' it or not, online ads are getting personal" of Adam Ostrow on the CNN Tech site, "Is the future of online advertising one of incredibly targeted advertising based on your interests, online activities and Facebook "likes," or is it one dictated by robust privacy controls that keep those details out of the hands of marketers?" In this article, it mentions that marketing planners or advertisers can get perspective customers by collecting internet users through cookies or web-browsers history. For example, Facebook apps called Sponsored Stories this is one type of advertisement when a user interacts with a brand on Facebook, his friends can do the same thing. A reference from a global study "Context matters" (2010) is that the morning is the time for social network activities and the evening is the time for entertainments on the internet, and users tend to open ads when they are surfing or searching information on the internet. It opens the new idea about exploring advertising that can get the attention of brands from internet users, especially in the current situation of "Do not track" consideration. 
"One thing we know for sure is that offline principles still apply online: never lose sight of your audience, simplicity wins and creativity rules" and "Advertisers can't rely on users to just watch them anymore", it is about the creative idea being the star rather than the technology.  (Andy Hart, Microsoft). Continually this thought, "brands need to rethink their online advertising", why? As in an aforementioned survey, from the results of about 65% of the responders say that they are not very likely to view an online advertising. About the sex configuration, this number is about 70%. For the social network ads such as on Facebook, this woman responders number is about 60%. A comment from this article says that it is because of the irrelevant of the ads. 

There are some suggestions of the author that I also think that they probably useful for brand managers or brand marketers are as followed. First, testing online advertising. Then, customizing the ads to relevant customers. Online advertising will be more "personalised, contextual, relevant and useful".
 However, how to reach the right person and show him the right thing he wants to know is not an easy question to answer. 


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